You Can Learn Anything You Put Your Mind To
About Me
You Can Learn Anything You Put Your Mind To

When I was a teenager, I earned great grades in school, played an instrument in the school band, and played a sport. I was never afraid to learn new things and was always eager to tackle all of the challenges that came with the learning experience. However, that all changed when I was finally the legal driving age in my state. I was terrified of driving and convinced that I would fail miserably at it! The feeling took me by surprise, but after some soul-searching and supportive advice from family, I finally got up the nerve to get behind the wheel. The "rest is history," as they say, and I soon actually became a great driver. I now have children and always tell them they can learn anything they put their minds too. I decided to start a blog to share my educational tips and help inspire others to learn!

You Can Learn Anything You Put Your Mind To

Consider How You Can Sharpen Your Mind

Logan Ryan

Do you find that your mind isn't as sharp as it once was? Perhaps you are approaching those golden years that might not seem so golden. Or, it might just be that your brain is overloaded with so many things that you feel that it will explode. From organizing your daily life to learning memory strengthening tools, here are some ideas that might help you to sharpen your mind.

Start With An Organization Plan

When you have too much on your mind, it is more than likely that you will forget things, even important things. You might find that, while in the past you could remember things like appointments just in your mind, that is no longer the case.

  • Think of keeping two calendars.
  • One calendar will be the one you keep at home.
  • The second calendar will be the one your keep in your purse or your pocket.
  • Each evening, think of coordinating the two calendars to make sure you don't forget things.

Strengthen Your Mind With Memory Training Tools

Just think of the fact that you will always remember that there are three little pigs in the story. Part of the reason for that is that you probably heard the words to the story so many times when you were growing up. The other reason you remember the number is that you more than likely saw pictures of them along with the words. You can apply the same principle to strengthening your mind.

  • For example, this concept might apply when you are going to the grocery,
  • Think of assigning a number to each item you're buying.
  • The number 1 might represent bananas, as they are shaped like a number 1.
  • Assign the number 7 to the produce you want, as you want fruits and vegetables every day.

You can probably use memory training tools for remembering names, too. For example, if you meet a person whose last name is Fairborn, think of the fact that he or she reminds you of your first born child who is blond. You might remember the name of the movie Breakfast At Tiffany's by picturing yourself having breakfast in bed with the beautiful Audrey Hepburn. Repetition might help you, too. For example, if you are learning French, consider having vocabulary words in your car as you drive. Whenever you get to a red light, learn one new word. By the time you get home, you may have learned the entire list.
